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GermanExpressionism.com Wilkomen
VERLOBUNG Conrad Felixmuller (1897-1977)
Woodcut, 1918.
Signed and dated in pencil lower right.
On thin, cream laid paper.
From the edition of about 15.
Reference: Söhn 137
Size: 500 x 301 mm (591 x 456 mm)
€ 11,000
FRAU Conrad Felixmuller (1897-1977)
21 Etchings, 1920/21 (published in 1925)
All signed and numbered 3/50.
Reference: Söhn 335 M
Sheet size: 502 x 322 mm
Contact Gallery for Price
KOHLENBERGARBEITER Conrad Felixmuller (1897-1977)
[Coal Miner]
Lithograph in colors, 1921.
Signed in pencil lower right.
Reference: Söhn 210 A
Size: 577 x 407 mm (429 x 587 mm)
Contact Gallery for Price